

Fully Assisted


Treatment Planning Made Simple

Start by sending us the patient’s intraoral scan or impression model and filling out the required form—we’ll handle the rest.

Here’s what we offer:

  • A tailored treatment plan designed to address the patient’s chief complaint, with the flexibility to request corrections as needed.

Once the plan is ready, we’ll provide:

  • A detailed treatment video showcasing teeth movement.
  • An IPR chart with precise details.
  • Comprehensive tooth movement information.

Upon your approval of the treatment plan, we’ll take care of the entire process, including:

  • Printing the models.
  • Thermoforming the aligners.
  • Finishing and polishing for a flawless result.
  • Packaging and shipping the aligners back to you, complete with your custom branding.


Packaging and Custom Branding

We offer customized packaging for your aligner kits, featuring your practice’s logo for a professional touch. Each kit is tailored to reflect your brand, enhancing your patient experience from the moment they open it.

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